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Changes Coming to WordPress Workshop

wordpress workshop,

changes coming to wordpress workshop, blogsitestudio.comComing in 2013, WordPress Workshop is making big changes!

But first, I must thank all the bloggers who have attended WordPress Workshop over the past year.

I have found it infinitely gratifying to share my knowledge about WordPress and know I have helped you on your journey of exploration. Nothing gets me more fired up than teaching WordPress and nothing teaches me more than staying two steps ahead of my bloggers.

So, thank you, dear WordPress Workshop bloggers!

After a year of training bloggers in the use of WordPress – conveniently facilitated through – I’ve learned a few things about how to better organize the WordPress Workshops.

Changes coming to WordPress Workshop


A specific topic will be covered each week so bloggers can sign up for what they want to learn.

1st Tuesday: Getting Started
2nd Tuesday: Plugins and Widgets
3rd Tuesday: Search Engine Optimization
4th Tuesday: Social Media and Feeds.

Those will be the first four topics with more to come. But, we’ll still leave time to discuss individual issues with WordPress.

Waiting List Overflow Workshops

When more than one person is on the Tuesday waiting list, I’ll add a Wednesday workshop with the same focus. This way, bloggers don’t have to wait a month to cover a specific topic.

These are just two more ways WordPress Workshop is personalizing the WordPress learning experience. I’m always open to suggestion.

Workshop Details

WordPress Workshops always start at 7 pm on Tuesdays. (Or Wednesdays for Overflow.)

The fee is $20 per person for a maximum of 3 bloggers per workshop.

You MUST reserve your space at Providing advance information about your theme, plugins, experience level, etc helps me a lot.

A laptop computer is required, but can be provided if necessary.

No account? I can help you set up a hosting service in advance at no charge.

I also offer private consultations at Blenz for $40 per hour at your convenience.

Required Reading: While there, sign up for a free subscription.

Read or Which Way to Blog, to understand the differences between the WordPresses.

As always, please leave comments here about how I may improve the WordPress Workshop. Your input is vital to the growth of this group.

Thanks and see you at WordPress Workshop!

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