L’Shana Tova Guide to Cleaning Up Your WordPress Website

Cleaning up wordpress website

With summer officially over and a new year (according to the Judaic calendar) upon us, I think this is an excellent time to be cleaning up your WordPress website. It shouldn’t take too long and your site will be lighter and faster than before.

BuddyPress My Friend

BuddyPress, blogsitestudio.comIn my November 12 post, Making Friends with BuddyPress, I bemoaned the difficulty of adapting BuddyPress to the Next theme, one that is not on the BP’s preferred list of compatible themes.

I used BuddyPress Template Pack and moved folders around on the server before being faced with the task of tweaking the layout to make BP appear correctly on the page. I got pretty far, copying and pasting the header and footer tags, but not far enough to make the sidebar go where it needs to sit.

After much frustration with BuddyPress, I did what any WordPress designer does when the coding gets tough.

I hired a developer.

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Posts are to Pages as Apples are to Oranges

One of the biggest sources of confusion to new WordPress bloggers is the difference between Posts and Pages. They look similar on the front end, their Editor page looks the same on the back end, they both start with a “P” – what’s the difference?

In six words, Pages are static, Posts are social.


Pages are like old-time HTML sites used to be. They sit there and they tell you stuff. The most prevalent Pages are About, Contact, and Home. Pages only change when they are updated and they stay that way until the next time. They have no dates, no categories, and no tags. Pages are, in a way, self categorizing.

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